Bitcoin Conference Amsterdam 2023

Bitcoin Conference Amsterdam 2023


2 more nights of sleep before it begins. 
Europe's biggest Bitcoin Conference!

Have you already purchased a ticket?
Click here To do this as yet!

In the community, I am currently hearing that cheap tickets are circulating. 
If necessary, ask in this Telegram channel to opportunities.

I have been incredibly looking forward to it for several months. There are many different initiatives emerging from the community. This is why Bitcoin is so great, it brings people together. 

In this blog I share more about all the interesting developments, tips and to do's. 

Do you have any tips? Then let us know in the comments below. Sharing is appreciated. 

Bitcoin Amsterdam Recap 2022

On the right, check out a recap of last year. 

Table of contents

There are some incredibly helpful people in the community. 
Shout-outs to final boss Marnix, see telegram channel.

He created a link, with which you can super-easy add the entire overview with time, name and location to your digital calendar, so you know exactly who speaks where during the Conference this year. Super convenient right! 

Click on
this link. to add the full calendar to your digital calendar.



The Bitcoin Meetup - Blast Galaxy retro arcade hall

There are several meetups during the Bitcoin Amsterdam Conference 2023.  
On the website, you can check out different events and sign up. 

I myself am looking forward to the Meetup below.
Sign up by clicking on the image.


This also promises to be a very fat Meetup.
It is organized by Connect The World

This Meetup takes place at a South African restaurant, where you can eat incredibly delicious food and, of course, checkout with Sats. 
The Meetup will focus on developments around Nostr and, of course, Bitcoin.

📅 Date: October 11.
🕕 Time: 19:00 - 00:00.
📍 Street: Restaurant Braai, Westergas Area

Click on the image to register. 

Satoshi Speakeasy

This one also came by in the community. 
This will also take place on Wednesday, Oct. 11, between 5 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Location: Radio Radio, Pazzanistraat 3 1014 DB Amsterdam

The Satoshi Speakeasy is an invitation-only event for people who love Bitcoin. 
Open bar and light meals.

Click on the image below for more information and to sign up.

5KM running with Bitcoiners

Starting your morning off nicely with a run?
Thursday, October 12 at 06:45 is your chance to run 5KM through beautiful Amsterdam with like-minded people. 

Where: Westergasbrug (Bridge 193), Amsterdam. Precise location.
Time: 06:30 gathering. At 06:45 start the Pleb Run.

For more info check out the website.
And check the Telegram channel.

Crypto Stickers. Stickers You Can Buy Exclusively From

Of course, I also take stickers and like to look around for possible collaborations.
In the field of merchandise, I want to grow more and more in the coming year. 

Should you want to stick some bitcoin logo stickers in Amsterdam or purchase other products on my site? Then take a look at the store


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